
The Great Distortion review in Raised by Gypsies

distortion cd inner + tape.jpg…. it all makes sense now. This is in space. Something which we have not seen the likes of yet is destroying the crew of this spaceship and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. All we can do is witness the horrors as this audio was sent back to Earth somehow. At least, that’s how I hear this and it’s better than anything Hollywood has done for quite some time….. “the Great Distortion” tape released by Aphelion Editions is reviewed here by American blog Raised by Gypsies. Many thanks to Joshua Macala for the words.

Concert review – Star Turbine at Old England, Bristol, 12. February 2018

Star-Turbine-live-February-2018-1-1024x601Lots of tasty smashing, steel woollen rubs followed, Claus’s effect-soaked cymbal ribboning the frayed ferrics. The odd melodic malaise tinkering the fabric, gradually saturated in clawy chews and fractured dialogue. The slippage shivering in a tasty glow of no-input cannibalism and spiky thrown cymbal before evaporating back into the reddy green glare of silence. A happened-upon magic their excellent Great Distortion LP documents with precision.

Star Turbine / Calcine Trio / Brutar Weimaz / Carter (live at The Old England)

Night sky isolation – review


Joe Murray has reviewed our new cassette “Night Sky Isolation” over at Radio Free Midwich “… top class performances on both sides of this live tape. Gateshead’s Soundroom is a glitchy, almost funky performance with complex set pieces including: smeared gob-rot from Sindre and sooty coughing textures from Claus. Both meld into an undeniable wholeness, an organic fullness of sound and presence.”
Read the whole review over at Radio Free Midwich
Stream / buy the tape at Invisible City Records

“Nothing should move…” reviewed in Vital Weekly

vv“Both men contribute to the sound, which is dark, atmospheric and drone like and yet never looses its experimental edge. Movements within the piece is quite minimal, perhaps along the guidelines provided by the title, but it is not a complete thing of no change. Star Turbine creates fields of sounds, moving without changing, but it is Bjerga I think who makes all the small moves here, his Walkman manipulations, as shown by the sixth track, which is Poulsen remix of Bjerga source material, which moves gentle around drones being slightly more upfront. A fine document of what they do in concert, I’d say.” Read the whole review by Frans de Ward at Vital Weekly

White lines across the….. review!

turbine-bob“Pinched nip tweaks give way to that kind of chugging (kof-kof-kof)  riff that you find in both 80’s Thrash Metal and late 90’s Italio-House.  Before long a canard paddles up the Tyne with its booming fog horns and belching smokestacks”….. the nice folks at Radio Free Midwich gives our latest release “White lines across the void” a very vivid review.
Read it all here.